Local Sculptures and Wood Carvings

The village sign


The bressumer beam

 on one of the oldest farmhouses in the village

The Square modelled in wire

by a local artist


Pargetting of St Peters Church

One of several 50cm panels of village scenes

 pargetted in 1986



The Goldhanger War Memorial

With St Peter carved under a canopy at the front


The Eppner Gravestone

with an art deco influence


Stone carvings at the south door of the Church

there are four of these carvings in the door arches

each containing a small newt like creature


Four carved stone window frame decorations

on the outside of the North windows of St Peters Church

 said to represent the winged beasts of the revelation

Stone carving in the Chancel

Possibly a 14th century carving of a man and angel

 with ivy leaves and a newt like creature at the lower left side

the carving could be a representation of "Tobias & the Angel"


Corbel, or roof support, in the nave

 One of four kings and queens


Wood carving in the Lady Chapel

the back of this sculpture is engraved

“Burma Teak Crawshay Frost 1953”




                  The Pulpit                                                               The font           .

                   Built of oak in the late 19th century                                       possibly 16th century                        .


The Lectern Eagle

Probably made by village carpenter

Jacob Ardley in the 19th century

The Ernie Johnson bell ringers trophy

During restoration work on the bell tower in 1951 the oak from the old frame was used to made domestic items and were sold to raise funds for the project. Ernie, a keen bellringer, purchased a bell-shaped table lamp, which was probably made by Bernard Mann. After his death in 1984 it was modified by Bob Leavett to become a memorial to Ernie and a trophy used  the Essex Bellringing Association.


Wooden panel from the original Tudor built Beckingham Hall

now in the Victoria & Albert  Museum, London



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